QUnit.test( "hello test", function ( assert ) {
assert.ok( 1 == "1", "Passed!" );
} )
var test = [
"QUnit.asyncTest()",//Add an asynchronous test to run. The test must include a call to QUnit.start().
"QUnit.module()", //Group related tests under a single label. 一个标签下的组相关测试
"QUnit.test()" //Add a test to run.
assertProperties = [
"strictEqual",//严格比较 值和类型
"propEqual",//用于严格对比对象 包括对象的值、属性的数据类型 (类似== 和===的差别)
"ok",// 一个布尔检查
asyncControl = [
"asyncTest", // QUnit测试异步代码。asyncTest将自动停止测试运行器,等待您的代码调用QUnit.start()继续。
"start", //Start running tests again after the testrunner was stopped
"stop"  //当异步测试有多个出口点,使用QUnit.stop 增加解除test runner等待 应该调用QUnit.start()的次数。
callbackHandlers = [
Configuration = [
"QUnit.extend() "