摘要: 通常应用需要对表中的数据进行翻页,如果数据量很大,往往会带来性能上的问题: root@sns 07:16:25>select count(*) from  reply_0004 where thread_id = 5616385 and deleted = 0; +———-+ | count(*) | +———-+ |  1236795 | +———-+ 1 row in set (0.
root@sns 07:16:25>select count(*) from  reply_0004 where thread_id = 5616385 and deleted = 0;
| count(*) |
|  1236795 |
1 row in set (0.44 sec)
root@sns 07:16:30>select id
from reply_0004 where thread_id = 5616385 and deleted = 0
order by id asc limit 1236785, 10 ;
| id        |
| 162436798 |
| 162438180 |
| 162440102 |
| 162442044 |
| 162479222 |
| 162479598 |
| 162514705 |
| 162832588 |
| 162863394 |
| 162899685 |
10 rows in set (1.32 sec)
  10 rows in set (1.32 sec)
  在翻页的时候,往往需要对其中的某个字段做排序(这个字段在索引中),升序排序。那么可不可以利用索引的有序性来解决上面遇到的问题喃,答案是肯定的。比如有10000条数据需要做分页,那么前5000条做asc排序,后5000条desc排序,在limit startnum,pagesize参数中作出相应的调整。
root@snsgroup 07:16:49>select * from (select id
->            from group_thread_reply_0004 where thread_id = 5616385 and deleted = 0
->        order by id desc limit 0, 10)t order by t.id asc;
| id        |
| 162436798 |
| 162438180 |
| 162440102 |
| 162442044 |
| 162479222 |
| 162479598 |
| 162514705 |
| 162832588 |
| 162863394 |
| 162899685 |
10 rows in set (0.87 sec)