您的位置:软件测试 > 开源软件测试 > 开源Bug管理工具 > Mantis
作者:网络转载 发布时间:[ 2013/12/24 10:47:27 ] 推荐标签:配置 mantis

1.1.3. 允许删除自己上传的附件



 * allow users to delete attachments uploaded by themselves even if their access

 * level is below delete_attachments_threshold.

 * @global int $g_allow_delete_own_attachments


$g_allow_delete_own_attachments = OFF;


$g_allow_delete_own_attachments = ON;

1.1.4. 经理以上级别才可以删除别人的附件


 * access level needed to delete bug attachments

 * @global int $g_delete_attachments_threshold


//$g_delete_attachments_threshold= DEVELOPER;


$g_delete_attachments_threshold= MANAGER;

1.1.5. 允许报告员关闭问题


 * reporter can close

 * Allow reporters to close the bugs they reported, after they're marked resolved.

 * @global int $g_allow_reporter_close


//$g_allow_reporter_close= OFF;


$g_allow_reporter_close= ON;

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