
    public class Program 
        static void Main(string[] args) 
           /* I discussed with Jim from Sales over coffee  
            * at the Starbucks on main street one day and he 
            * told me that Sales Reps receive commission  
            * based upon the following structure.  
            * Friday: 25% 
            * Wednesday: 15% 
            * All Other Days: 5% 
            * Did I mention that I ordered the Caramel Latte with 
            * a double shot of Espresso?  
            double price = 5.00; 
            double commissionRate; 
            double commission; 
            if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday) 
                commissionRate = .25; 
            else if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday) 
                commissionRate = .15; 
                commissionRate = .05; 
            commission = price * commissionRate; 

  如果你非得在代码中提到某些必需的东西,也别提到人名。Jim from Sales(译注:销售人员Jim)也许离开这家公司了,那些阅读代码的程序员极可能根本不知道他是谁,更甭提注释里那些毫无干系的事情。


    public class Program 
        static void Main(string[] args) 
           //TODO: I need to fix this someday – 07/24/1995 Bob 
           /* I know this error message is hard coded and 
            * I am relying on a Contains function but  
            * someday I will make this code print a  
            * meaningful error message and exit gracefully. 
            * I just don’t have the time right now. 
           string message = "An error has occurred"; 
               throw new Exception(message); 


  如果你不幸是生成这些类型注释的人,或者你想学习注释用法的佳实践,我推荐你阅读Steve McConnell写的Code Complete(《代码大全》)。